The only monitor base you'll ever need

For iMac computers, gaming monitors or for desks that need to de-clutter 

Meet the world's first rotating & height adjustable monitor base with USB hub, SSD enclosure & LED lights

"It's feature packed minimalist design will help improve posture & comfort, enhance productivity and help de-clutter in the home or office"

360 rotation  |  USB-C Hub  |  LED lights  |  SSD enclosure

A height adjustable base perfectly designed for iMac computers & monitors

5 Sizes

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About 360ELEV8 & product launch in May 2025

360ELEV8 is an ambitious start up company and wants to be the first choice and best in class for iMac computer bases and stands. We want our customers to love our quality products and recommend them to their family and friends.

After 2 years of development and improvements we'll launch on crowd funding platforms Kickstarter and Indiegogo.  Big launch discounts will be offered to our email subscibers. Following this launch, we expect the price of our base to be US$149. We'd love you to be part of our journey, don't miss out!
Use the $1 add to Cart button to subscribe to our VIP email list, and we'll keep you up to date. We'll never share or sell your email address.

$1 to join our VIP reservation email list. Be first to learn about product launch, special offers, give aways and potential discount of 25% at product launch. 360ELEV8 -  the best iMac computer base 360ELEV8
$1 to join our VIP reservation email list. Be first to learn about product launch, special offers, give aways and potential discount of 25% at product launch. 360ELEV8 -  the best iMac computer base 360ELEV8

The only monitor base you'll ever need.

Join our $1 VIP reservation email list and be the first to know about our product launches, special offers, giveaways, and get the biggest discounts of  25% or more at product launch. This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your workspace while saving money, so don't miss out.

Be an early adopter and help bring this product to life. We'll really appreciate your $1 commitment in joining us, and you get to save big at product launch.

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designed with passion  |  built with purpose  |  made to last

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Recent comments on Instagram unboxing review

"That's amazing, looks so good what a difference"
"Never seen anything like this"
"Looking awesome Man"
"Great stand"
"Those are ridiculously nice"
"Wow, that's unique"
"Now that's totally different, looks cool"

Competitive Insights: Analyzing Market Rivals

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Icon guide NVME black Trans.png__PID:cca23992-d781-4b23-a3e2-329aabe253eb
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Let 360ELEV8 take centre stage!

de-clutter | optimise height | improve posture

Whether you work in front of your computer for short or long periods, you need to have correct posture to work more comfortably. The modular and height adjustable base improves ergonomics and also helps reduce neck and back pain. You choose optimal height of 80mm including rotation or a single layer at 40mm without rotation.
The integrated front facing hub puts control of accessories at your finger tips. The hub connects to newer computers with USB-C or to older computers with USB-A (adapter included). LED lights are built into the hub with brightness and colour controlled via remote control. A NVME.M2 SSD enclosure allows you to insert your own SSD card upto 2TB.

Everything we've learnt from other stands\bases together with the super cool and super strong translucent acrylic material, matched with exact manufacturing techniques makes this unique top-of-the-line accessory the only monitor stand you'll ever need.
It's feature packed minimalist design will help improve posture & comfort, enhance productivity and help de-clutter in the home or office.

360ELEV8 base can do for you what others can't.

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